About | CTFRobotics
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CTFRobotics Inc, in City of Industry, California, is a pioneer in foodservice, hospitality, and healthcare service robots. Our mission is to enhance workflows by providing workers with autonomous support in manual tasks, including food delivery and table bussing. CTFRobotics supplies four top-of-the-line autonomous robots, all of which utilize state of the art technologies including:


  • autonomous localization and navigation

  • AI-powered path mapping system

  • multiple-machine collaboration

  • intelligent obstacle detection/avoidance

  • intelligent interaction


Our service robots are equipped with LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), an infrared perception system, touch sensors, as well as an easy-to-use and human-centered UI, all designed to assist and enhance every aspect of an autonomous robot solution. By providing support and automating the manual aspects of human labor to facilitate more efficient service, workers can focus on hospitality and care, business owners can improve the bottom line, and customers receive their service faster. 

Computer Sketch


Main Office:

17890  Castleton St.

City of Industry, CA 91748


Northern California Satellite Office:

180 Lewis Rd, Ste 14

San Jose, CA 95111

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©2021 by CTFRobotics.

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